Vagabond Multilingual Journal Spring 2005 | Page 15

Rain Every dawn I dream: Armies of murdered notes Stream down fatigued faces Come together in whirlpools, And all I want is NOT to see These windows pounded into night: I want to bend the light Into a tight curl of glass. Throwing my palms apart I’ll dip my ?nger into Spring— Upon ceramic wallshine Drizzle of shivering rocks; A bubble of clouds has exploded Broken crystal with crunching Of cotton threads Hit the puddles a thunderstorm,— a morning; the light and empty... Tatyana Shmygol Il più certo modo di celare agli altri i con?ni del proprio sapere è di non trapassarli. Giacomo Leopardi (The best way of concealing the extent of your knowledge is not to go beyond it) VAGABOND - Page 15 -