Vagabond Multilingual Journal Fall 2013 | Page 9

Winds I wonder how it would feel if the wind were stirring my branches? Free Or tied down by roots? Would I envy the birds? When I was a sapling, life uncertain, I feared the wind It made my world tremble: and my roots stir, gripping earth. Now, when it moves, memory wakes I sense an old, old friend. Sometimes, in the spring, warm wind rushes by Embraces, calls to me And sap stirs down to the tips of my roots. Sometimes, in the fall, Cold wind kisses me And I sigh and let my clothing fall. Summer is still Heat’s ripples bend the air When wind comes, it’s violent With rain, it slakes the forest’s thirst. Icy wind, winter wind, is Awake when the world sleeps; Stirred by dreams, I creak and groan Until it covers me in silent snow. by Samuel Diener, English ‘15 9