V-Day Annual Report 2021 | Page 67

COVID RELIEF INDIA ( GLOBAL PROSTATE CANCER RESEARCH ), With funds provided by V-Day , 21 oxygen concentrators were purchased and distributed throughout the country , easing some of the burdens placed on India ’ s healthcare system in response to the severe Covid-19 outbreak .
FEMINIST . COM provides information , resources and actions as well as original articles and interviews amplifying diverse women ’ s voices and highlighting timely themes and issues . It acts as a hub and convener and drives collective action toward political , economic , and social equality . Feminist . com also offered a new initiative this year , COVID Gendered , a digital newsletter and online platform dedicated to looking at the pandemic ’ s impacts on women and other marginalized communities through an intersectional gender lens , aggregating news stories and resources , featuring interviews and round ups with women leaders , and amplifying efforts to create change .
FILIPINA WOMEN ’ S NETWORK / THE MARILY LEGACY FUND serves 1,500 young Filipina women through book club and leadership workshops . Filipina Women ’ s Network ’ s book project for young women is inspired by a quote from Nicholas Kristof , “ The Taliban shot Malala Yousafzai because they understood in the long run , the greatest threat to extremism isn ’ t a drone overhead but a girl with a book .”
KUDIRAT INITIATIVE FOR DEMOCRACY ( NIGERIA ), KIND stands for the Kudirat Initiative for Democracy , a not-for-profit organization based in Lagos , Nigeria . KIND works primarily in Nigeria in the areas of leadership development for young women and on collaborative projects aimed at removing barriers to women ’ s public participation and ending violence against women . Their mission is to empower democracy and development in Africa by strengthening organizations and creating initiatives dedicated to the advancement of women .
LAKOTA ELDER COVID-19 RESPONSE - activist and chef Kimberly Tilsen Braveheart , served 550 elders on the Pine Ridge Reservation and 55 Lakota Elders in the Lakota Homes Housing Project in Rapid City . She estimates 75 % of these elders are women . Pine Ridge is the poorest , most isolated reservation in America . When the Covid-19 pandemic hit , the United States government sent Pine Ridge body bags rather than the requested PPE . Kimberly Tilsen Braveheart worked to provide fresh produce to the elders , helping the entire household stay home for longer periods of time , preventing hunger , and violence . In addition , this work contributes to cultural survival of our language and traditional teachings . Funds went to support this initiative .