UZIEL Fighting System: Police & Military CQC/H2H FEBRUARY 2014 | Page 14

13 Assessment This paper covered some of the IED TTPs of Iraqi insurgents and their ability to fight an asymmetrical war against the US & CF. AQI in Iraq are adapting to the new IED countermeasures and technologies by shifting their focus from Military targets to the ISF and civilian populations. The Sunni & Shia spilt which occurred during the first Islamic “Fitnas” (sedition or civil war) was a precursor to what is happening again in modern day Iraq. 41 Neither group can agree on a “Caliph” (leader) the correct path Islam should navigate moving forward or the proper interpretation of the Quran since the death of their prophet Mohammed in 632 AD. The ancient terrorists of this time period the “Al Khwarij” who broke away from mainstream Islamic jurisprudence to form a right-wing extremist sect, have been reborn again in Al Qaeda. In May 2003 the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) passed into law, orders 1 & 2 dissolving the Iraqi Military and prohibiting Baath party members (Sunni) from government office. Sunnis made up over 20% of the 27 million Iraqis and there was no conciliatory approach to find some common ground integrating a form of power sharing policy between Sunnis and Shias. The CPA orders acted as a catalyst to disenfranchised Baathists who almost overnight formed heavily armed resistant cells as they had prior knowledge of Military weapon caches, and the necessary ordinance to plan a long war strategy against the US and CF. These denominational (religious) and ethic differences between these two factions of Islam overshadow any fear of the creation of a new pan –Islamic Middle East and are the heart of the escalating IED problems in Iraq. Influential Muslim clerics on both sides have used the Quran as an accelerant i.e. Sunni Imam Yusuf al Qaradawi use of the term "Shiitization" in his sermons referring to what he states as the Shias attempt to control the Middle East. 42 To complicate the geo-political landscape even further in Iraq, the addition of foreign fighters, criminals, warring tribal factions and Jihadist cults like AQ, make it difficult to know who is behind the increase in the use of IEDs as there are many hidden machinations with all the actors involved. The famed communist leader Mao Tse-Tung said that “The guerrilla must move amongst the people as a fish swims in the sea” which provides insight into the success of the ongoing IED campaign in Iraq. 43 The solution may ultimately not be found in new technology or counter-measures but in isolating the terrorists from the rest of the Muslim community (Ummah). South Vietnam President (1955–1963) Ngo Dinh Diem conceptualized that “One must get all the little fishes (terrorists) out of the water (populace) and keep them out; then they die. 44” A recent example of this philosophy being put into practice occurred in 2006 in Anbar Province (Iraq) when indigenous Sunni tribesman began seeking out and killing AQ members for attempting to control their long held ancestral territories. The US DOD capitalized on the momentum of this new Islamic movement’s victories over AQ and by 2009 had over 100,000 of these tribesmen actively working for them. 45 The lack of security and general instability due to IEDs specifically suicide bombers is impacting Iraq’s oil production, infrastructure development, and ability to export natural resources abroad. The British Medical Journal released a study in 2011 providing a quantitative analysis of the threat of IEDs in Iraq and their ramifications. The report states that since 2003 over 30,644 Iraqi civilians have been injured another 12,284 killed by suicide attacks alone. 46 The withdrawal of US forces in 2011 has not helped this situation with the cities of Fallujah and Tel Afar once controlled by CF, now once again under the command of AQ groups. 41 Esposito,John.(1988)Chapter 2: The Muslim Community in History. Umich.edut;, accessed 8th February 2014 42 Valbjorn,Morten and Bank,Andre.(2007)Signs of a New Arab Cold War:The 2006 Lebanon War and the Sunni-Shi‘i;, accessed 12th February 2014 43 Kongsgard,Havard.(N.D.)Geography matters, but people are the key; The location of Viet Cong initiated incidents.; y%2FDownload.ashx%3Fx%3D178&ei=SwwAU7XDGYj4yQHN1ICgDg&usg=AFQjCNHmsgEovlmW_fgglG8sYtcgwKURw&sig2=7DTSYy1kn01bTPw-VhyLfg,accessed 17th February 2014 44 Princeton University.(N.D.)Ngo Dinh Diem.;, accessed 14th February 2014 45 Paley,Amit.(September 2,2008)Uncertainty After Anbar Handover.;, accessed 15th February 2014 UZIEL Fighting Systems 2014