If you need help finding an internship suitable for you, reach out to Jeff Allan on the PRSSA Executive Board ([email protected]) or attend UVU’s Internship Fair on Jan. 26 from 10 - 3 in the Grand Ballroom.
Until next time Wolverines!
Britnee Bromley Nuehring
UVU PRSSA President
PR Elevated
Aspiring to New Heights
The Utah Valley University PRSSA Chapter was selected to host the PRSSA Western Regional Conference on March 2-4, 2017. The conference has been named PR Elevated Aspiring to New Heights as an invitation for attendees to take their PR to the next level.
The conference will showcase the industry's greatest professionals, agencies, and practices. Conference attendees will have the opportunity to participate in PR workshops, keynotes, networking and some fun surprise activities. Many world class presenters will travel to UVU from across the country. Some of which include:
Jill Chappell, Senior Editorial Producer, CNN
Troy McCombs, Executive Vice President, Edelman
Matt Prince, PR & Brand Engagement Manager, Taco Bell
Brandy King, Communication Director, Southwest Airlines
The presenters will speak on social media strategies, agency versus in-house PR, crisis communication, public affairs, government relations, non-profit PR, diversity, professional ethics and more.
Join UVU PRSSA for the 2017 Regional Conference, and elevate your PR. Early bird pricing will end February 1, 2017. All conference and registration information can be found at www.PRelevated.com.