Featuring Dealership Guru Bob Clements
Noon - 1:15 pm – Luncheon
$25 – Registration is required
In a dealership, how do you determine
what an employee should be paid and how
do you structure bonuses that encourage
your employees to be more efficient?
Bob Clements will share what other
dealerships across the country are doing
and how to implement a compensation
program that motivates and rewards
employees for performance.
Alan Beaulieu, ITR Economics
1:30 - 3:00 pm – Free with registration
Alan Beaulieu, ITR Economics
A Good Year Ahead
Uncertainty and volatility are the prevailing
challenges that business leaders confront
today. Sifting through the maze of economic
information, Alan will provide a timely
snapshot of the economy today, where it is
headed over the next three years and what
it means to your business.
Learn a methodology to help your business take advantage of the present
economic environment. Using rate-of-change calculations, you can:
earn where you are in the business cycle
I dentify key leading indicators to focus on
for critical business decisions
stablish strategic objectives that will enable
you to make the right decisions at the right time
Alan delivers award-winning workshops and seminars around the world.
He is co-author of Prosperity in the Age of Decline, a powerful look at how
to make the most of economic trends over the next 20 years, and Make
Your Move, a guide on increasing profits through business cycle changes.
Attend this keynote and count yourself among the thousands
of business owners and executives Alan has helped capitalize
on emerging trends.
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