UTOPIA | Page 49

note charts on their wall. It helps make a visual representation of what they want to do, and to gauge what is too much based on the sized on the stick-it clusters. How many people do you need to DO it? As much as you would probably like to, you can’t do everything yourself. Delegating tasks is a great way to keep cultivating productivity and to relieve some workload stress. Figure out what all needs to be done to keep your agency up to date and active. Then set up applications for staff members. Make sure to include a concise job description for each position and what would be expected of the applicant if they were hired. What are your standards? Your agency is a reflection of you. How do you want you, your brand, those you who work for you and those you r epresent to be perceived? Set a high s tandard, a clear code of conduct and follow it. Lead by example. Letting people know what you expect and what their limits are makes it easier for them to create more content and ask less questions. Using everything you have prepared so far, could you make a complete IMVU group or a website for your agency? The internet has a short attention span. Try to minimise the amount of waiting interested people will have to do to see all you have to offer. A lot of the people I talked to worked on their agency’s group months ahead of time to make sure it was ready for active members. What do you have to promote if nothing is prepared? 1 A. Mueller, and Daniel M. Oppenheimer. “The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking” SAGE Journals. June 4, 2014. Accessed March 27, 2016. http://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/04/22/0956797614524581 V is the head writer for UTOPIA™ Magazine. He really wishes he was famous enough to hire someone to always scratch that spot on his back. >vmonthly@tumblr >>voidmechanic.vu@IG >>>voidmechanic@IMVU WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL AGENCY The and Fall of IMVU Modeling Agencies Rise AND WHAT MAKES IT FLOP ✒V