USS Niagara Membership Handbook & By?Laws
Sit as a member of the command crew.
Shall maintain a hard copy log of Ship’s meetings and functions.
Executive Officer
The Executive Officer is third in the chain of command. The role of the Executive Officer
is defined within official STARFLEET by?laws. The Executive Officer reports directly to the
Commanding Officer and shall run (or represent) the Chapter in the absence of the
Commanding Officer and the First Officer. The Executive Officer will hold a minimum rank of
Commander within the Chapter. The XO functions as the Ship’s financial officer.
The executive officer shall:
? Maintain an active membership in the ship and STARFLEET.
? Have completed the same command courses as required for the rank of captain, and to
allow promotion to the rank of captain within STARFLEET.
? Maintain that position until the captain calls for a vote for replacement, which shall only
be called for in the event that
o The current executive officer desires to relinquish that position or
o Another member wishes to assume that position. Should another crew member
wish to assume the position of Executive Officer, the procedures as set forth in
Change of Command article shall take place, with the commanding officer as the
presiding officer. The commanding officer shall only cast a vote and if there is a
tie vote among the crew members.
? Sit as a member of the command crew.
? Shall serve as the ships chief financial officer
? Sit as a member of the charity committee.
? Assist in dispersal of safety and security information to all members of the crew.
? Provide convention information as needed for any Ship’s members interested in a
specific convention.
Second Officer
The second officer serves as the third in chain of command. The second officer shall:
? Maintain an active membership in the Ship and STARFLEET.
? Have completed the same command courses as required for the rank of captain, and to
allow promotion to the rank of captain within STARFLEET.
? Maintain that position until the captain calls for a vote for replacement, which shall only
be called for in the event that
o The current second officer desires to relinquish that position or
o Another member wishes to assume that position. Should another crew member
wish to assume the position of Second Officer, the procedures as set forth in
Change of Command article shall take place, with the commanding officer as the