USA East Music NYSB BULLETIN - SUMMER 2019 | Page 4
On Sunday morning, we awoke to the
news that our plane taking us back to New
York on Sunday night had its flight cancelled
due to an impending snow storm in the New
York area. We all got to spend an extra day
or part of a day in Canada on Monday, and
I personally didn’t get home until Monday
night. However, that meant that our day’s
events on Sunday went on as scheduled,
beginning with the band conducting Sunday
morning worship service at Yorkminster
Citadel. The band has had previous
association with this corps on past visits, so
it was wonderful to see a full audience of
Salvationist soldiers and friends filling the hall
for this meeting. Our Territorial Commander,
Commissioner William A. Bamford, had
been with us for the entire weekend and
he presented the morning message at
Yorkminster. To support the Commissioner,
the band presented a wide variety of
devotional music in the meeting, including
“Almighty” (Roger Trigg), “He Cares for Me”
(David Chaulk), “In God’s Presence” (Andrew
Blyth) and “They Shall Come from the East”
(Kevin Larsson). In a brief ‘wind-up’ following
the meeting, the band played Kenneth
Downie’s “God is My Shelter”, which was
recently written for the NYSB and includes
the NYSB’s signature vocal benediction “Rock
of Ages” as part of the selection.
The band was invited to a reception for
4 ‡ N Y S B B U L L E T I N S U M M E R 2 0 1 9
the Massed Bands on Sunday afternoon in
the Toronto Congress Center. Following a
lovely buffet meal, the bands were treated
to some excellent preliminary vocal items
by the Canadian Staff Songsters. General
Brian Peddle was present during all of the
Saturday and Sunday festivities and presented
challenging messages/devotional thoughts at
both the Saturday night massed band festival
and then at this massed band reception on
Sunday afternoon. It was encouraging to hear
of the support that the General expressed
for Salvationist music and musicians and
was a fitting conclusion to a wonderful
weekend that certainly met and perhaps even
exceeded everyone’s expectations.
W W W. N Y S B. O R G