USA East Music NYSB BULLETIN - SUMMER 2019 | Page 3
NYSB’s visit to Toronto
Tom Scheibner, Assistant Territorial Music Secretary
The New York Staff Band’s visit to Toronto,
Canada for the Canadian Staff Band’s 50 th
Anniversary weekend was an event that
was looked forward to with a great deal of
anticipation, as it had been on the band’s
calendar for quite some time. Some of us
that were present at the Canadian Staff Band’s
25 th Anniversary festival at Roy Thomson Hall
in Toronto in 1994 wondered if this event
would be comparable and similar. The 1994
event was memorable, as it included the
International Staff Band, New York Staff Band,
Chicago Staff Band and Canadian Staff Band.
The 2019 event included even more
bands, as the USA Western Territorial Staff
Band and the USA Southern Territorial Band
combined with the Canadian, Chicago and
New York Staff Bands for a massed band total
of 5 bands. The event started with a massed
band rehearsal and then individual band
rehearsals at Roy Thomson Hall on Friday
morning and Friday afternoon. Following the
NYSB individual rehearsal, the band climbed
aboard a bus for a 1½ hour trip to Guelph for
that night’s individual festival by the band.
Following an excellent dinner, the band
presented an exciting and interesting
festival to a near capacity crowd at the
Guelph Corps. The lovely corps hall provided
a great acoustical sound which pleased
both the band and audience alike. Former
New York Staff Bandsmen present at the
festival included George Holmes and Laurie
Hiscock. They were present to listen to items
including “All Powerful” (Marcus Venables),
The Southern Cross (Brian Bowen), God is My
Shelter (Kenneth Downie), Everlasting Hope
(Paul Sharman) and Turris Fortissima (Steven
The next morning, the band returned to
Roy Thomson Hall for some more massed
band rehearsal and then to prepare for our
30 minute individual festival at the hall on
Saturday afternoon. Each band presented a
30 minute festival, with the New York Staff
Band following programs by the Canadian
and Chicago Staff Bands. The three items
presented by the NYSB during this time
frame were “To Ask the Lord’s Blessing”
(Simon Morton), “Introit – O Love” (Andrew
Blyth) and “The Glory of Jehovah” (Dorothy
Gates). This final item was a monumental
composition written by Dorothy Gates
especially for this event, complete with visual
effects accompanying the music. At a length
of 25 minutes, this work is certainly one of the
longest if not the longest work that had ever
been performed by the band and requires a
large amount of stamina and concentration.
It is based on the biblical book of Exodus from
the Old Testament. The music engaged the
audience throughout its presentation, and
the band received a well-deserved standing
ovation after this premiere performance.
The only disappointment felt among the
bandsmen was that Dorothy was unable
to be present for the performance, having
stayed home in New York as a caretaker for
her husband recovering from an illness.
Saturday night’s festival featured many
items presented by the Massed Bands, several
solo spots featuring the Canadian Staff Band
and guest trumpet soloist Jens Lindemann.
Each of the bandmasters of the bands shared
the conducting duties, along with guest
conductor B/M William Himes (now retired
from the Chicago Staff Band), who conducted
the bands in his new composition entitled
“The Psalmist”, which featured songs written
by Canadian composer Major Len Ballantine.
The bands also combined to form a Massed
Chorus and premiered a new vocal work
by Dr. Harold Burgmayer entitled “Renewal”
highlighting the words: “I renew my covenant
with thee….”. Highlights of items presented
by the Massed Bands included “In Awesome
Wonder” (Marcus Venables), “Just Like John”
(Norman Bearcroft) and “The Canadian” (Percy
Merritt). Highlights of items presented by
the Canadian Staff Band on its own included
the cornet solo “Golden Slippers” (Norman
Bearcroft, soloist – Marcus Venables) and
“Symphony of Thanksgiving” (Dean Goffin).