USA East Music BULLETIN - FALL 2019 - ISSUE 3 | Page 10

MAKING AN IMPACT IN SCHENECTADY By Micaela Rayment, Meadowlands Corps, CAN MAY 17-19, 2019 — There is nothing better than being able to watch young people get excited about ministering through music. Recently, Impact Brass, the divisional youth band from the Ontario Great Lakes Division in Ontario, Canada, travelled to Schenectady, NY for a weekend of music ministry and servant leadership. Welcomed warmly by Corps Officers, Majors Mike and Cathy Himes, Impact Brass was kept very busy during their brief trip! After a full day of travel on Friday, the band was happy to enjoy a meal at the Schenectady Corps. The highlight was not only the entire table full of baked potato toppings, but the potatoes that were the size of a small football! After a night of rest, the band returned to the Corps to play an informal concert during their Community Breakfast Program. Following some conversation with the audience, Impact joined in sorting food donations, cleaning and building furniture. Majors Himes then treated the group to a beautiful hike at the John Boyd Thacher State Park. After being cooped up in a bus the previous day, it was nice to get out and enjoy the sunshine and scenery. It was also a nice change from the cold Canadian winter that seems to be hanging on up here! 10 • USA EAST MUSIC BULLETIN | FA L L 2 0 1 9 The group then travelled to Central Park to perform in the local bandshell. “Shine As the Light”, “Bohemian Rhapsody”, “Circle of Life”, and “High Over All” were just some of the crowd pleasing pieces Impact Brass included in their repertoire. As well, we featured some of our soloists: Bradley Cox, who performed the euphonium solo, “In Christ Alone”, and cornet soloist Micaela Rayment who played “Glorious Ventures”. The concert was well received by the audience and the band enjoyed not only the beautiful venue but ministering to a group of new people. W W W. M U S I C . S A CO N N E C T S . O R G