US Service Life May - June 2014 | Page 9

EDUCATION & CAREERS High School is a Taste of Life By: James Murphy Student always come into my office complaining that they have to deal with a teacher who hates them, or how they see no point to doing homework. My favorite question asked is “Why should I learn this? I am never going to use it in life”. I often give this speech on how “High school is a taste of life” to my entering 9th graders so I thought I would share it with you today. High school is a taste of life. If you can’t figure out how to “work” high school you will not be prepared for life. So I don’t care how many bad teachers or stupid assignments you feel you are dealing with, if you can’t figure out a way to make it all work out in your favor you will not be successful in life. So let’s start with the analogies: if the idea is that high school is life, then what is homework, teachers, tests, grades, and the administration all about? Homework assignments are deadlines that you will have to meet. Homework, plain and simple, is not meant to punish a student. It is meant to teach them about the wonderful world of stupid things that no one wants to do that have to be done in a certain time. Adults have bills, taxes, work, projects, forms, and other painstaking items always due. Students need to see that homework is a way for them to pre- pare for the mountains of things that are going to be asked of them for the rest of their lives. If they can’t turn in a handful of assignments by a specific time to a particular person at a particular location, they will not be able to function well in life. Homework is about deadlines. It is about a student’s time management and learning that needs to occur in order to understand what is needed from them. If it is submitted in a sloppy, messy or disorganized state, I have a feeling that a good grade will not be obtained and that a raise at work is not in their future. If the assignment is never completed but an excuse is offered instead, not a good sign for their adult life. Accountability is everything. In short, you have to learn to just get it done and do it right. Teachers’ are bosses/ clients in your future. Whether you are going to work at a small company or own a huge company during your life, I guarantee you are continued on page 10 9