Uruguay May 2013 Volume 1 | Page 2

Uruguay Legalizes Abortion and Government-Sold Marijuana
Uruguay Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

Uruguay Legalizes Abortion and Government-Sold Marijuana

Abortion and government-sold marijuana seem unthinkable in other countries , but in Uruguay the congress is legalizing both of these ideas . The only other country that allows first-trimester abortions is Cuba , but no country has government-sold marijuana . In Uruguay smoking pot is legal and selling and providing marijuana is a 30 million dollar business . President Jose Pepe Mujica says the Uruguay only benefits from these actions , but many do not agree with the ideas . 36 % approved and 42 % disapproved of these ideas .

Uruguay Legalizes Same-Sex Marriage

April 10,2013 Uruguay legalized same-sex-marriage becoming the 12 country in the world to do so . The legislation was a step closer to marriage equality in the country . Uruguay , in 2009 , became the first Latin American country to allow same-sex adoption . President Mujica aggred with the law and was expected to sign the new legislation within the first ten days .