Urbane Gazette Volume 5 - Issue 2 | Page 8

Photography by Cédric Louis-Jean

On-Set with Urbane

What sets us apart as a designer and builder , is not only the quality of our design or the meticulous execution of our builds , it is primarily the Journey we curate for our clients .
“ Home is a Journey ” has been at the core of our business and has been shaping our way of working at all levels . Taking the time to communicate , meet , understand , and develop your ideas combined with our designers ’ expertise is what makes the Urbane approach exclusive and custom . Urbane is not just a product , or a service :
Urbane is an experience , a Journey .
We recognise the Journey of design and construction can be a daunting thought for some clients . With a focus on creating the most adapted experience to your personality , we aim to make your Journey a seamless , memorable , and impactful one .
www . urbane . net . au ( 08 ) 9329 9560 info @ urbane . net . au