Urbane Gazette Volume 5 - Issue 2 | Page 7


Luke and Dale - Surrounds

Surrounds was founded in the late 80 ’ s , at about the same time that TV ’ s and video were being introduced to HiFi systems . The rise in popularity of Home Theater systems allowed expansion into the new home building market . The business has continued to evolve over the years and is now well positioned to help out from the most basic of needs , to the full design , supply and installation of integrated systems for new , or existing homes .
Steve and Dale met about 10 years ago at a social event . After exchanging phone numbers , they met again to discuss business opportunities and quickly realised that both Urbane and Surrounds were client-focused companies , with enhancing lifestyle being the centre point of their work .
I remember Steve saying at one point : “ we don ’ t just build homes , we create lifestyles ” and I thought this is exactly what Surrounds is about : “ creating the lifestyle that enrich our clients lives , I think that we are a good fit in that regard ”
Dale Seeley Surrounds www . urbane . net . au ( 08 ) 9329 9560 info @ urbane . net . au