Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 8

I’m in an awesome place writing some of the best songs I’ve written in my life, and I’m enjoying the process a lot more. The job of getting out there and figuring out the channels and the best ways, and who really loves my music, that’s the new game for me.

UG Digital Magazine: I look at it all and think you’re doing amazing. You’re right that it’s more difficult doing it all yourself, but the work you did previous to this is what is carrying you through. People know your work ethic, which makes it a little easier, even though you still work your ass off to get a lot accomplished. I envision more artists getting to that point of doing it for themselves. I think it’s outstanding that you’re there, and you’ve had that opportunity to do it independently.

August Rigo: The secret is not to give up. If you stick around, self-awareness aside, if you stick around long enough, and you put the concentrated effort in, the good music will stand the test of time. If you work hard and do the write thing in terms of getting your music out and not letting it sit in the laptop … there’s a lot of artists who are scared to put music out because of insecurities or whatever … you just have to put it out, be willing to be judged, and keep it moving.

UG Digital Magazine: The album has been nominated for a JUNO award. What does that mean for you?

August Rigo: You know, I’ll be honest. It was a personal validation. I’m from here of course, but all of my success has been in the states. It was always a struggle for me to get things going in Canada. I went to labels with this album and the exact same goal. I didn’t need much, but I did need help in terms of releasing the record. I felt like the album had the leg, and was good enough for that recognition. I got the run-around from the labels, and no call backs. It delayed my release because I was excited about people possibly jumping on. So for me, it was personal satisfaction because I ended up putting it out myself and doing the whole thing with my small team of people. It worked out, people love the album, I’m still promoting pretty heavy, and it was extremely satisfying.

UG Digital Magazine: TDOTFest seems to get bigger and bigger every year. We provide coverage every year. Why was it so important for you?

August Rigo: This is important for me because first of all, I’ve never done a festival. It’s a major one in the city, and in one of the coolest venues we have. It’s at Dundas square, which is equivalent to Time’s

Square. It’s on Labor Day. I grew up hanging out in that area. To do this for one of the biggest shows in the area for the city is big for me.

UG Digital Magazine: That has to be huge, not just for you, but for the city that you are coming. They have to be excited to see you…

August Rigo: I hope they are (laughing). If not, I’ll make them excited. I pride myself on the stage show. I really do shine when I perform LIVE.

UG Digital Magazine: Now, without giving too much away with the show, what do you have in store for showtime?

August Rigo: You’ll definitely hear top notch vocals. I’m bringing my band out, and they are some of the best musicians in the city that I know. I’ll be doing a majority of my album. It will be an amazing show for sure.

UG Digital Magazine: What else is happening that everyone show be looking out for?

August Rigo: Right now, I’m in the studio working on a few projects. I’m doing a couple of side projects that are “not so” August Rigo with my band. It’s a little bit of rock and psychedelic, but it still has a piece of me. I’d love to see the response. I have a label, and my first artist Jeanette Claudette