Urban Grandstand Digital Issue 11: Stacy Rose | Page 9

just got a deal at Sony, so I’m constantly working on that. That album is shaking up pretty well. I’ve done a couple of new things that I hope goes through with a few others.

UG Digital Magazine: How is it to be guiding someone else’s career?

August Rigo: I like when people trust me with their music. I know they believe in me, and that in itself makes me want to work harder. They trust me with their life, and it gives me the confidence to do it, as opposed to having someone who is doubting your ability. That’s the most empowering feeling in the world.

UG Digital Magazine: For your fans checking this out, what type of words of encouragement can you offer?

August Rigo: I think self-awareness is the key. We’re smart enough to know if we’re lying to ourselves. I never lie to myself. I was never the best singer. I always thought I wasthe best until I was exposed to even better singers. Instead of lying by saying I’m just as good, I just worked hard enough until I became as good as them. When you can recognize that something is superior, then you can recognize and figure yourself out with where you can do better. It’s about the quality of what you’re doing. Be aware of what you’re good at and how good you are so you can get better.