of steps that most owners do not simply because her establishment means more to her than shallow thrill . First only hiring those who have been certified at bartending schools who have been trained to know when a person should receive a limit of alcohol as well as security personnel who does not allow in patrons who appear to already be under the influence . Friday & Saturday nights is when The 5ive Spot comes alive as a late-night venue . Unlike most Stephanie has a mandatory age of 25 & older for entry to add an extra step of crowd maturity . Anytime it appears aggression is escalating Stephanie has a policy of stopping things in its tracks . She doesn ’ t wish to be an owner wishing what she could have done if something happens but one that eliminates and prevents before anything negative does . Stephanie truly feels a business owner of any venue has to treat the space as if it is their home . You would not allow certain levels of disrespect to your home or guests and the same has to go for those who enter The 5ive Spot . Patrons must respect where they are as well as those around them . An oldschool concept that seems to have relaxed in most places , much to the disadvantage of our community .
With that amount of focus , we asked Stephanie how she handles stress ; in true leadership form Stephanie explained that The 5ive Spot is her dream , her baby , and life . She returns every day no matter what happens the day before ready simply because following her dream is a completely different form of therapy . If ever something doesn ’ t go as planned she is determined to return and make sure she gets it on track for next time . Giving up or running is no form of stress relief for her ; determination is how she sleeps peacefully at night .
Stephanie Hannah was a down to earth pleasure to be around . She exemplifies strength , accountability , and sense of ownership for not only her establishment but the community of Baltimore . Just recently she geared up with Cashland a local fashion store in Baltimore to provide track uniforms for Randallstown High school . During our interview , Stephanie also invited us to her back to school event she has been planning for this August . We will be sure to attend and update our readers on the journey of The 5ive Spot on our website , as well as information for our next Brunch !
What advice would you give up and coming entrepreneurs ? Owner Stephanie Hannah :“ Make sure you really want it . Make sure your experiences transitions into the dream you have . Always have a spirit of service aligning your work ethic and dreams . Learn from someone who is doing it . Ask questions and if people don ’ t provide the feedback make sure you find your own information . Don ’ t be cookie cutter . Start from scratch . Do not go into it for money alone because that will always fluctuate .”
General Manager Shelene : “ Don ’ t give up . Stick your feet in the ground and try harder when things get tough . Don ’ t give up on your own dreams . Make peace with who you are because it can be lonely at the top . Understand that your family and friends may love you but you can ’ t rely on them to always understand and support from your level of perspective because it is not them or their dream but yours . You can ’ t be afraid of dark days .”
The 5ive Spot 9820 Libery Rd , Randallstown , MD 2113 ( 410 ) 521-6054 | Open : 6pm- 2am Everyday of the Week
Credit Distinct Eye Photography