Urban Freedom Magazine Fall2016 "The New Black Wall St" Vol1 | Page 3



As Entrepreneurs it all starts with the silent pull to push your life journey farther following a dream . Either it be a small business , artistry , or service something in you said I can do more with this ! It keeps you up at night writing notes on pads of paper everywhere you go with each like a diary awaiting to be revealed . Many times being �nancially depleted , emotionally drained and feeling alone in your vision . We understand you at Urban Freedom ! We are a community and the importance of this magazine is for none of us to forget that dream can inspire someone else , and with us it ' s a guarantee you will pay it forward . Our mission is to tell the stories you kept locked in your mind thinking nobody would understand . We are here to share the moments that most think they go through alone but little do they know there is another dream chaser under the same moonlight pondering the same things . We are building brands to stand the test of time and adversity . Gearing businesses with Legal protection and mostly making sure we all rise to economic independence .
Often due to the in�ux of social media we only can see �nished products or the need to hide the process ; which leaves most discouraged when things do not move over night . Urban Freedom is designed to give you the honesty of Business building , marketing and branding to steer our readers in a realistic course of ideas how to dream and put it into action . See the blue prints of others , be mentored in readership . With Urban Freedom I created this magazine to be a community . The power of unity in positivity and progression has the ability to charge us in ways you can ' t �nd anywhere else . To not only feed wisdom but reviving the soul to beat with motivation where the journey becomes as joyful as arriving at the destination . Down to our events do you know how beautiful and motivating it is to be in rooms such courageous individuals pouring into each other that which culture has told us we do not deserve . All of you with the same courage to press forward when all else says give up . Do you know how powerful that form of energy is ?! We plan to show you and reach a hand to always have you join us . In this �rst issue you will be introduced to businesses we will be digging deep into their roots and following their journey in further issues . We will follow their progression and every business with us isn ' t just a magazine page but a heart with a dream in action apart of our Community of Black Owned Business . Lastly , we will continue to promote New Black Owned Businesses as the gateway to taking over Economic growth right in our backyard and internationally .
Mercedez McIntyre