The PGA of America and Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis
Partner to Advance Diversity through the 100th PGA Championship
ST. LOUIS (July 23, 2018) – Several initiatives and events that focus on job creation,
In celebration of the 100th career development, mentoring and business opportu-
PGA Championship at Bel- nities within the golf industry highlight the partnership.
lerive Country Club, Aug. Participants will learn about the myriad of career oppor-
6-12, the PGA of America tunities in the $84.1 billion golf industry, the importance
and Urban League of Metro- of positive mentors and role models, and the many possi-
politan St. Louis have part- bilities created from the 1.9 million jobs that golf creates
nered to advance diversity and supports.
in the golf industry, while
creating a legacy of hope
and opportunity in the region. Designed to change the
trajectory of lives and serve as a catalyst for positive
change in the local community, the partnership also com-
memorates the Urban League’s centennial.
“It’s especially important for the future of our game and
the golf industry to open our doors wide to a diverse
pool of talent,” said PGA of America CEO Pete Bevac-
qua. “That is why we’re delighted to partner with our
friends at the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis to
showcase opportunities that exist