UPUMC Life May 2014 | Page 4

m i n i s try s t o r i e s New pastor candidates come from Union by MIKE BAUGHMAN, Community Curator for Union Katie Newsome and Ashley Hamel have been recommended by the SPRC at UPUMC as our newest candidates for ordained ministry! Both Ashley and Katie come to us as young adults through our ministries at Union. When Union was created, it was charged, in part, with the task of calling young people to ordained ministry. Ashley and Katie are the first of what will hopefully become a long line of ordained pastors who develop their call to ministry at Union. Ashley Hamel is a recent graduate of the University of North Texas where she participated in the Denton Wesley Foundation under Cammy Gaston’s leadership. Since graduating a year ago, she’s served on the youth ministry staff at FUMC Coppell and began attending worship at Union this past summer. Over the course of this past year, she’s articulated a call to ordained ministry, applied to Seminary and has decided to attend Princeton Theological Seminary in the fall where she will pursue a Masters of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Youth Ministry. She feels called to bridge the gap between the church and the rest of the world, inspiring both to acts PAGE 4 of service. Katie Newsome is currently enrolled at Perkins School of Theology where she is pursuing a Masters of Divinity and ordination as an Elder. Katie became involved in weekly worship at Union last fall and has found a quick home among the people who worship there. Katie, a Georgia native, first came to Texas to attend SMU where she joined the Wesley Foundation and participated in Project Transformation. After completing her undergraduate degree, Katie served as a ministry intern at the Wesley Foundation while going through her first year of seminary. This summer, Katie will serve as a Chaplain at Methodist Hospital in Dallas. She is considering a calling to hospital chaplaincy. Over the next couple years, the Rev. Matt Gaston and the Rev. Mike Baughman will find opportunities for UPUMC members to meet Katie and Ashley. Encourage them, pray for them and offer them your support for ministry! UNION is a coffeehouse that raises funds for, awareness of and engagement in significant causes that make a positive difference in the world. Dear UPUMC friends. As most of you know, I will be moving to a new appointment shortly, after 8 years of serving with you here at University Park. You’ve been a significant and cherished part of my journey, and in so many ways you’ve witnessed to the grace and goodness of the living Christ. Thank you for that good gift. Perhaps you’ve already heard, but I’m pleased to share with you that I’ll be joining the ministry team at First United Methodist Church in Richardson. It’s a wonderful congregation and staff, and it will be an honor to serve there. And it’s the church that nurtured me through high school, when my family moved to Dallas, so it’s a return to some deep spiritual roots as well. My primary responsibilities will be in the area of Faith Development. Again, thank you for allowing me to share the