Would you recommend joining 5Linx?
5Linx has been around for 13 years and is still a very lucrative option for any new entrepreneur looking to change their life. I came on board in the companies seventh year. The opportunities are endless, if you want to be successful you will. Everyday someone is graduating and not finding a job, this
opportunity is forever. How many people do you know that graduate with thousands dollars in debt
and no job opportunity?
Is it too late for someone to join and still be successful in the company?
As I speak with you now, I just had a 24 year old young guy on my team reach Sr. Vice President status.
You determine your success! If someone goes to work today for the government or Ford, is it too late?
It's never too late for an opportunity! Everyday someone is getting fired or laid off, retiring and still
can't survive financially after providing several years of service for a company that they don’t own.
They don't want to go back to work, so they either are forced to downsize their lifestyle or return to
work. It’s a never ending cycle.
Is there any guidance or training for new members?
Like any franchise, if you open a McDonald’s, there is a hamburger university. Our equivalent to that is
5Links University. It's a development course designed to enhance the business person you’ll become.
For instance, before I joined, I didn’t have spokesperson skills and was very uncomfortable speaking in
front of crowds of people. A couple of days ago, I spoke in front of a crowd of 10,000+ people. At
5Links we prepare you for success, you just have to have the drive. On my team, we have promoted
three new platinum's and 44 Sr. Vice Presidents. In two years, those titles will be in the thousands.
People feel that others will be making money off of their work. What do you say to
Put yourself in an interview seat, you go on an interview and your sitting down, before you accept the
job do you ask the interviewer how much money is the CEO or someone else going to make off of
your work or contribution to their company? If you did, chances are you won't get the job. That
40/40/40 corporate America is a pyramid, all that most have heard in their life, is get a good education and get a good job. Your lucky if you even stay with the same job for your entire working career.
That rarely happens! Though a small few will find success within the corporate pyramid most will retire broke, never becoming a CEO. You’d be lucky to get a pay increase or bonus, while they make millions as a corporation. Silk, people like the Board of Directors, Directors, and others in high positions
represent the opposite of progression. Look at Steve Jobs, his success came from th inking outside of
the box. He quit school and made a conscious decision to be his own boss and follow his own dream.
He was a leader and that’s what you need to be successful.