Uproots Nation 2018 Issue 1 | Page 8

5. Slow Down! - The main road in Patron parking is 15mph, everywhere else it is 5mph. Please be considerate and keep the speed down. There has been reports that people have still been seen with high speeds. Lets not let this become an issue again! FREE FACEPAINTING AT Bizarre Bazaare! Help Saige Demian practice her skill! All children and adults Welcome! FRE E TAX SEMINAR!!! Thursday, Feb 15th, at Noon Picnic table tent @ Monday Bizarre Breakfast area • Taxes Confusing? Don’t even know where to start? What to keep? How to organize? What to write off? • Want to talk to a tax professional who is “one of us” and understands our lifestyle? • Have questions about taxes while traveling, making money in multiple states? Per diem, expenses... • Questions and concerns about the new tax law? • Want to do your taxes for the first time, or maybe after a long lapse, but you’re nervous? Friday Night Spaghetti Dinner The Shingle Bus will again be hosting weekly Friday night Spaghetti Dinners. Every Friday! Weekly Dinner Begins Friday, Feb 9th. 6pm. Our intention is to provide a meal of noodles and either red or alfredo sauce with the options of meat and veggies for the community. On Friday evenings at 6pm, every Friday of the show. (May add pesto this year!) Suggested donation to help the continuation of this group meal is $2 per head, please come fill your belly regardless if you're able to donate at that time. This is and always will be, a non-profit event. Full bellies and community enrichment is our goal. The more who contribute and attend the better this community dinner can be. (Any and all donations of food must be delivered before 4pm Thursday preceding the dinner. Prep begins first thing Friday so please do not bring perishables any time after 4pm Thursday as we won't have time to prep and cook them. Thank you) Bring a bowl and a stabby thing. As always, Love from the A Team.