from the Mesabi Iron Range . This jasper is made from the same iron oxides and chert as iron ore .
Banded iron is sedimentary rock consisting of alternating layers of iron oxides and iron poor chert . Almost all of these formations are of Precambian age and thought to record the oxygenation of the Earth ’ s oceans .
Manganese is a silvery-gray metal that resembles iron . It makes a good oxidizing agent , and can also be used as a rubber additive , as well as in glass making , fertilizers and ceramics . In the local rocks , it appears as a blue manganese oxide within the iron ore .
Binghamite , also known as Minnesota tiger ’ s eye , is perhaps best known for its unique parallel bands that are red , gold and black in color . It is a type of agate first found near iron ore deposits in the Cuyuna Iron Range near Crosby , Minnesota in 1936 . The mineral is named after William Bingham , the man who discovered it . Binghamite is formed when iron ore is sheared along a fault line .
While agates , jasper , banded iron and manganese are plentiful in other places around the world , it is the ability to find Binghamite that draws rock enthusiasts like Ed O ’ Patz of Holdingford , Minnesota to the Brainerd Lakes area . Binghamite can only be found in the Cuyuna Range in Crow Wing County .
Rock collecting is allowed on most countyowned land , and there is plenty of it in and around Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area . You can secure a list of places where rock collecting is allowed from the Cuyuna Lakes Chamber of Commerce . Call 218-546-8131 or go to Cuyunalakes . com for information .
Rock hunting can also be done on private land , such as gravel pits and farm fields , with permission of course .
So why are these desired minerals so plentiful in the area ? Koop credits the mining industry . “ Because of the depths they went to in order to mine the taconite and iron ore here , the mining companies also unsurfaced a lot of other things that still sit in this area ,” she said .
Ed O ’ Patz heads up the Cuyuna Rock , Gem & Mineral Society and has been lobbying the state for years to open up part of the Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area for rock hunting . He estimates he gets 5-to-10 calls a year from people who live out of state and want to know where they can look for Binghamite .
“ You can only find it here in this area of the state , and unless you know someone who has some on private land , there is nowhere to collect ,” said Marcia Opatz , Ed ’ s wife . “ People would pay to be able to do that here .”
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“ A good place to look for it is it in the washouts that come down the hill ,” said O ’ Patz , as he made his way down one of the bike trails in the Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area . The trail he was on is just steps from the recreation area ’ s Yawkey Unit parking lot on the east side of the park .
The Yawkey Mine Lake , and other lakes in the park , are surrounded by man-made mountains consisting of mining tailing piles .
“ In this area particularly where there is so much traffic from mountain biking , this is one of the more serene paths , and it follows hill tailings all the way around ,” said Aubrey Koop , Director of the Cuyuna Lakes Chamber of Commerce . “ You can traverse this entire lake through this back trail , and you ’ re really in tailings piles the whole way around the lake .”
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While most of the mountains are too steep to climb , examples of the rock formations native to the area have been carefully placed along the many flat trails in the park for people to enjoy . “ There ’ s a lot of banded iron here ,” said Koop .
Since the Cuyuna Country State Recreation Area is a state park , it is unlawful to remove any of the rocks you find . However , it ’ s a great place to get a close look at good samples so you know what to look for if you wish to collect rocks elsewhere in the region .
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