Upharmacia March 2017 | Page 9

Upharmacia March 2017 HEALTHCARE NEWS L aw on public procurements to be revised The Head of Parliamentary Committee on Public Health Olga Bohomolets has officially asked the Committee on Corruption Prevention to analyze the Law on public procurements regarding the presence of corruption component. Mrs. Bohomolets considers current situation with public procurements in Ukraine as critical. As on mid-Mar, only 9% of drugs, which supposed to be procured for the funds of 2016, were supplied in the regions. Moreover, Mrs. Bohomolets thinks that the prices of drugs procured by International organizations are too high. The Head of the Committee wants to set the limits on the minimum expiration dates of drugs procured through international organizations. Since 2015, Ukraine have been cooperating with International organizations (UNDR, UNICEF and Crown Agents) on delegated procurement of pharmaceuticals for Ukraine. The main issues, which arose with the cooperation, were large delays in supplies and inappropriate expiration dates of drugs. PM A waits the C andidates for the H ead of MOH P osition The Prime Minister of Ukraine www.upharma-c.com Volodymyr Groisman intends to nominate the candidacy of the Minister of Healthcare of Ukraine for the consideration by the Parliament after the coalition takes the corresponding decision. “We have started the consultations,” Mr. Groisman said. “After the coalition makes the decision, I will do my duty.” Since Jul 2016, the responsibili- ties of the Head of MOH have being performed by Ulana Suprun, who holds the position of the acting Minister. T he P arliamentary C ommittee A pprove the B ill on C linics A utonomization The Parliamentary Committee on Public Health approved modified version of the Draft Law No 2309-d, which is to provide autonomization to healthcare facilities in Ukraine. The document envisages the prohibition of privatization of state and municipal hospitals, changing the status of medical institutions from the status of budgetary institutions to the status of non-commercial and non-profit enterprises. The medical services could be payed to the medical institution from different financial sources – state and regional budgets, insurance companies, funds, legal entities (employers) as well as individuals. The funds of a medical institution will be managed by its head physician, who is watched by supervisory board for the health care institution. The first version of the document had been developed by the MOH in 2015, but it caused a lot of debates in the Parliament due to the risk of privatization of the healthcare facilities. The autonomization of healthcare facilities was supposed to become the first step within the reformation of healthcare system of Ukraine. T he MOH P lans to R eform the B lood S ervice The Deputy Head of