What to Expect Postpartum
What is postpartum ? During the first weeks after giving birth , your body begins to heal and adjust to not being pregnant . This is called postpartum ( or the postpartum period ). Your body goes through many changes as you recover . These changes are different for every woman .
How can you care for yourself ? It is easy to get too tired and overwhelmed during the first
weeks after childbirth . Take it easy on yourself .
� Try to sleep when your baby does .
� Ask another adult to be with you for a few days after delivery .
� Let family and friends bring you meals or do chores .
� Plan for child care if you have other children .
� Plan small trips to get out of the house . Change can make you feel less tired .
� Drink extra fluids if you are breast-feeding .
What to expect postpartum : http :// www . healthlinkbc . ca / healthtopics / content . asp ? hwid = abl1277 # abl1278
Ask your doctor for a copy of the Your Body after Baby handout from the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia
This handout provides information on what to expect as your body heals and how to know if you need help .
Tips for what to do as you heal :
� Try not to slouch when sitting , standing , nursing or carrying your baby . Use pillows to support your back and baby .
� Begin to gently contract your pelvic floor muscles and deep abdominal muscles . Your pain should not increase when you use these muscles gently . Slowly increase the number of contractions and start holding each one for up to 5 seconds ( 10 seconds is your goal ).
� Stretch your back , buttocks and shoulders to help relieve soreness .
� Rest is just as important as exercise at this stage so allow yourself time to adjust and take time to listen to your body . http :// dianelee . ca / documents / post _ partum _ brochure . pdf