Understanding Your Mental Health during
Pregnancy and Postpartum
24 Hour Crisis Line 1-888-353-CARE (2273)
HealthLink BC :
Depression during pregnancy -
Baby blues - http://www.healthlinkbc.ca/healthtopics/
What is Postpartum Depression? - http://
Anxiety BC - Resources, results, relief. Information pages for “Moms to be” and “New Moms”
Pacific Post Partum Support Society
A non‑profit society dedicated to supporting the needs of postpartum mothers and their families.
They also publish Postpartum Depression and Anxiety: A Self ‑ Help Guide for Mothers. Website:
http://www.postpartum.org/ Phone Toll-Free: 1-855-255-7999
Coping with Depression during pregnancy and following birth - a cognitive therapy-based self
management guide for women http://www.postpartum.org/assets/pdfs/Att%2025%20BCRMH%
BC Mental Health Information Lines Offers information and advice 24 hours a day.
Phone: 310-6789 (no area code needed) - this is a provincial
line. This line provides empowering emotional support and
information. Visit http://www.heretohelp.bc.ca/factsheet/
Postpartum Depression Awareness (PPDA) Resources and
help. http://www.ppda.ca
Community Connections Counselling and Consultation: Counselling services provided at
Community Connections include screening and assessment for individuals, group and family
counselling needs. These services are provided free of charge. Call 250-837-2920
In Revelstoke, call Public Health (250-814-2244),
your health care provider (doctor or midwife) or 811