years viz 2011-12 and 2012-13 for this purpose. This
will be the teacher requirement of theschool.
Then, for the purpose of this rationalization the
requirement worked out under para (4) above
shall be limited to SAP of the school. Thiswill be
the Maximum Aided Teacher posts Permitted(MATPP)
for the school, vide example given inAnnexure - III of
the G.O.
In so far as the Upper Primary School and High
Schools are concerned the rationalization exercise
shall be category - wise, namely. HM, S.A (Maths),
S.A(Science),S.A (Humanities), S.A(1st laaguage)
and SA(2nd Language) SA(PE) SGT, PET.L.Ps.C.1/
DM/Music SGT, PET.L.Ps.C.1/DM/Music etc.,
adoptin the staff pattern norms in Annexure - 1.
Whenever a transfer of surplus teacher in a school
is called for as per therationalization exercise
under theseguidelines, the same shall be done in
the first instance by obtaining options of thewilling
teachers/non-teachingstaff in the effected school,
failing which such transfer shall be done starting
from the junior most in the category of post
concerned in that school.
Identification of surplus teachers in a school for the
purpose of rationalization.
(a) (i) All aided teachers working in non-viable
schools. (ii) Primary School withless than 30
enrolmentin I to V Classes.(iii) Upper PrimarySchool
with lessthan 30 enrolmentin VI to VII Classes.
(IV) High School with less than 75 enrolment in
VI to X Classes.
(b) In each category of post all aided teachers working
in excess over M.A.T.P.P the surplus teachers
are worked out through the formula WT - MATPP
= + ve number where WT stands for
Working Teachers.
(c) Aided Teachers of already closed schools,and zero
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