Who to Follow on Twitter
I know everyone likes to say they "keep it real." But I hardly ever find those that really do. That is until I met @MissMakobe.
This S. African TWEETheart speaks whats on her mind, and she speaks it the way she feels. But the thing about it is she is also an intelligent young lady that enjoys lfe and has her head screwed on tight. #Bing So whether she is TWEETING about her day in Pretoria, or what she is watching on TV, or telling you about yourself directly or indirectly, she says it with intelligence and even has a little comedy sprinkled in there
That's why this month I chose to suggest this month that @MissMakobe as Who to Follow on Twitter.
-Mac Nitti
Location: Pretoria, South Africa
Likes: Science, Technology, Cars, Music (esp golden oldies, Motown, MJ etc) and of course partying
Favourite quote: "You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it" Maya Anglelou