The National Facility for Human-Robot Interaction Research ( NFHRI ) is supported by the Australian Research Council . The facility is purpose-designed to host a wide variety of experiments using more than 300 distributed sensors . These sensors unobtrusively collect rich data sets of how people respond to and interact with new technological devices , including robots . The facility is available for academic and commercial use .
The facility includes the Creative Robotics Lab ( CRL ) – the first social robotics lab in Australia . It is a transdisciplinary research and educational space that advances interaction between people and technological systems by designing and evaluating novel interfaces and incorporating the principles of creative practice in its approach to social robotics . The CRL pursues three main research streams : Assistive Technologies , Culture and Technology , and Human Futures .
Quantum computers have the potential to solve previously impossible problems that are beyond the reach of classical computers . Multiple teams all over the world are racing to build the first error-corrected quantum computer . SQC ’ s proprietary atom qubits in silicon technology has key attributes that make it the most likely to win the race to build a scalable quantum processor . SQC was formed in 2017 to commercialise quantum computing technology developed over twenty years at the Australian Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communications Technology . SQC ' s original investors included UNSW Sydney , the Commonwealth Government , CBA , Telstra and the State of New South Wales .
SQC operates from specialist facilities on UNSW Campus , where we have established a team of 45 + world-leading scientists and engineers under the leadership of Michelle Simmons , AO , the 2018 Australian of the Year , to take forward our unique technology enabling us to lead the market in quantum computing hardware .
> Created a unique capability for testing and evaluation in HMI research .
> Australian Army collaboration monitoring cognitive load and fatigue to improve safety and team performance .
> Collaboration with Dickens Audio ( Australia ) and Spatial Inc ( USA ) - hardware and software for dynamic spatial immersive sound environments , the largest speaker array in the Southern Hemisphere .
> The Creative Robotics Lab produced the first transdisciplinary social robotics PhD graduates in Australia , resulting in three focused research streams .
> Critical for achieving high quality , fast and stable quantum processors at scale , we have demonstrated the fastest 2-qubit gate in silicon , the lowest charge noise and high fidelity , fast ( nanosecond ) qubit read-out .
> As the global leader in atom-scale manufacturing , SQC can design and manufacture new quantum processors within 2 weeks , all in-house .
> SQC ' s full-stack quantum computing team ensures high-quality system-wide integration and processor operation .
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