Unnamed Journal Volume 4, Issue 4 | Page 20

Jonathon Macoon Please! Just help our son! FATHER O'DONNELL Well all right now, Mr. Maccon, no need to get emotional. But you must understand the facts of the matter. Jonathon would have to undergo a rigorous medical examination to rule out mental illness. Then, assuming the examination found nothing, we would need to obtain permission from the bishop to conduct the exorcism. I can't just chant a few words in Latin and poof! Jonathon's all better and you're on your way. MARGORIE Oh, Harold! [Starts crying] HAROLD There, there Margie. Father, is there anything you can do to help us? FATHER O'DONNELL Perhaps we could start with me having a word with young Jonathon here, hmm? See where a conversation gets us? Hey lad, what do you say? Do you mind chatting with an old priest for a few minutes while your parents wait outside? JONATHON Uh, okay. Sure. MARGORIE Oh, Father, I don't think that's a good idea. FATHER O'DONNELL And why is that? HAROLD We're just concerned for your safety. Please understand: we were completely serious on the phone. We don't want to be liable if -- FATHER O'DONNELL Mr. & Mrs. Maccon, in my 38 years as a priest I've seen many strange things, and dealt with more than my fair share of unruly teenage boys. Your son is neither strange nor unruly.