Unlock Your Hip Flexors Pdf Download Mike Westerdal | Page 8

15-20 seconds and switch to the other leg. Your should feel the stretch down your torso and to the front of your pelvis. As discussed in my extensive blog covering weight training methods for a strong vertical jump, our hips are vulnerable to some serious tightening which will limit our ability to use our newly developed strength and jump higher. For this reason, we must loosen them as much as possible. You need to do this stretch before every game or physical activity and you will surely notice a difference. Now if you really want to try it out right here and right now then please visit unlock your hip flexors.com. All you need to know about hip flexors. Despite their importance to a wide range of athletic and sporting activities, the hip flexors are the most neglected major neglected major muscle group in strength training. It is very rare to find training programs that include hip flexors exercise. By contrast there is usually a great deal of emphasis on exercise for the leg extensors.