Unlock Your Hip Flexors Pdf Download Mike Westerdal | Page 31
When you cease breathing deeply your diaphragm becomes tight.
Anatomically the fascia of your diaphragm connects directly to your hip
flexors, so if your diaphragm is constricted, you’re hip flexors will be
too. So take time each and every day to lie quietly on your back.
Breathe deeply relaxing your rib cage, spine and abdominal muscles.
Allow your internal organs to rest heavily into your back. As you
become more relaxed, direct your breathing down deeper and deeper
into your pelvis relaxing all of the tension in your low back, sacrum,
gluteus muscles and thighs.
Now as you become more skilled at conscious breathing, you can very
well begin to direct your breath all the way out at the bottom of your
feet. You can very well practice dynamic joint mobility by taking each
hip joint through a series of repetitive movements designed to increase
the range of motion.