University Research Conference | Page 18

Mackenzie Guerin and Brielle Ordog Toxic Relationships Affecting Mindset and Love Languages We will examine the correlations between past toxic relationship exposure , current feelings about relationships , and love languages . Through self-report survey , participants will answer questions regarding previous relationships , thoughts / feelings , and how they prefer to feel loved by their partner . Discussion will focus on if being in a toxic relationship in the past affects one ’ s present and future perspectives on relationships . Alicia Keyser Help-Seeking Behavior and Coping Mechanisms Our society teaches us to become independent and self-sufficient . However , life consistently presents us with events beyond our control . Some may be able to handle these events on their own , but it does not mean that they should . This presentation will explore the importance of seeking help through therapy and different coping mechanisms that can be used in challenging situations .
Chloe Lawrence Self-Care and Mental Health : Why Taking Care of You Matters This presentation will explore the benefits of self-care . Discussion will include when and why people should engage in self-care and different types of self-care activities . Strategies for how to plan self-care activities that include friends and family will be highlighted , with emphasis on specific activities that can be used to promote positive mental health and wellbeing .
John Lawson + Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy : An Overview This presentation will explore the topic of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy . The presentation will explore the history of the drug , its biological effects , its potential benefits , its use in mental health , and the changing field of alternative therapy overall . Discussion will include information from interviews with professionals currently researching and implementing ketamine-assisted treatment .
Danielle Lomax + The Importance of Date Night in Healthy Relationships This presentation will explore the benefits of date night in relationships . Specifically , I will explore what a healthy relationship looks like and how date night promotes characteristics of healthy relationships . I will also discuss my own experience with scheduled date nights , which focused on including all the elements critical to promoting positive mental health and well-being in a relationship .