Taylor Cutillo * How Management Structure Affects Employee Job Satisfaction The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership . This presentation will reflect on how different styles of management affect employee morale . Specifically , I will consider management structure , how employees feel they are treated , and why they feel that way . Discussion will focus how companies can create an environment where employees feel respected and free to grow .
Lenisha Fergus Psychology and Finances This presentation will explore how individuals manage their finances and their attitudes , mindset , and behavior while doing so . The goal is to explore our attitudes towards money and discuss behaviors that enhance our chances of financial success and behaviors that lead to failure .
Katie Goodridge Dance Like Nobody ’ s Watching
This study will explore dance / movement therapy . It will explore how dancers and dance teachers as well as non-dancers use movement to express their thoughts and feelings without saying anything . The presentation will also focus on how dance improves both mental and physical health .
Hannah Griffin + Psych on the Brain This project will explore the experience of creating a podcast , focusing on research-based ideas on how safe spaces can be beneficial for peers to discuss social issues and topics . The goal of the podcast is to create awareness , share experiences and stories , and touch on different social issues that are important and relevant to young people today .
Mackenzie Guerin Happiness Habits ’ Effect on Mental Health This presentation will examine the effectiveness of different “ happiness habits ” on improving mental health and stress levels . The habits I will explore fall under the following categories : spiritual / mindful , social media , connection / social , outdoor time , and exercise / movement . Discussion will focus on which activities had the most positive effect on individuals participating in a self-directed happiness project .