University Research Conference 2021 | Page 8

Kaitlyn Ludes Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1 Expression in Infectious Diseases Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1 is highly expressed by the immune system as an antimicrobial and antiviral response ; the enzyme depletes tryptophan to starve microorganisms and produces kynurenine , a molecule that triggers the immune response . The effects of IDO-1 expression are examined in bacterial and viral infections such as scrub typhus , hepatitis B , and HIV to determine the role IDO-1 plays in the immune response and its potential as a therapeutic target .
Alyssa Tomsic The Effect of Ethanol on LPS and IFNγ-Induced Microglial Classical Activation Ethanol alters microglia , cells of the innate immune system . Microglia become activated by ethanol either classically or alternatively . The effect of ethanol on the classical pathway is a popular study due to the neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration produced . In this study , we examine the impact of ethanol on microglial cells in BV-2 mice cells . Our results show that ethanol does not enhance classical activation , indicating that ethanol causes neurodegeneration via other pathways .
Miranda Wesley The Role of Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase in Cancer Cancer is characterized by uncontrolled cell division due to the ability of tumor cells to evade recognition by the immune system . Indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase 1 ( IDO-1 ) is an enzyme that produces kynurenine , a key factor in the immune response . IDO-1 relates the immune system to cancer since expression of IDO-1 is high in some tumor types . Therefore , IDO-1 is a relevant therapeutic target to abrogate the immune suppression seen in cancer .
Computer Information Science
William Allen Kali Linux Hacking is more accessible than people think . Open-source operating systems like Kali Linux supply users with hundreds of penetration-testing tools . With a Kali download , a virtual machine , and a YouTube video , anyone can become a hacker . Tools like Metasploit and Nmap can cause tremendous damage in the wrong hands . This project will describe the benefits and dangers of Kali Linux .