Judy Huh , Christopher Wallace , Sean Leonard , Briana Stephens , Travis Wiltrout , and Tara Fresh Enjoy , Engage , Explore Life ! The purpose of the Enjoy , Engage , Explore Life ! program is to facilitate social participation among older adults to increase health and wellbeing . Content modules are strategically ordered to establish reciprocal relationships while simultaneously promoting engagement across areas of occupation . Each area of occupation explored throughout this program is used as a vehicle to facilitate social participation .
Graduate and Professional Studies
Erina Pearlstein An Analysis of Self-Perceptions of Teacher Leader Success
in Urban , Public High Schools Designated for Comprehensive School Improvement Support This study analyzes the perceptions of educators who are serving in a teacher leader role in various School District of Philadelphia ( SDP ) high schools designated to receive Comprehensive School Improvement ( CSI ) Support by the Pennsylvania Department of Education . While there are a set of leadership competencies by which teacher leaders are developed , there is no formal system to evaluate the success of teacher leaders .
Sharon Davenport Examining the Perceptions of Principal Self-Efficacy on Georgia Student Achievement Scores The National Commission on Excellence in Education ’ s 1983 finding that the nation ’ s education system is mediocre increased pressure on principals to improve school performance . To achieve this , principals need strong self-efficacy ; however , data collected in this study showed that principals ’ self-efficacy did not correlated with school performance .