Alyssa Gonzalez The Effects of the Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence in Childhood on the Mental Health of an Emerging Adult Exposure to intimate partner violence ( IPV ) during childhood can have a lasting effect on the mental health of an individual even through emerging adulthood . Parents , especially mothers , are not able to give their full attention to their children or give their young children the brain stimulation that they need . This study can help to understand mental health in emerging adulthood after the exposure to IPV in childhood , but also how these individuals treat others , their behavior in their own personal / intimate relationships , and if their exposure to IPV has created negative habits in their emerging adulthood .
Chinalda Guerrier Comprehensive Effects of Different Crimes Among Different Demographic Groups This presentation focuses on how different demographic groups fear crimes . A specific focus on crimes that have become more prevalent like violence in the workplace and school will be highlighted in this presentation .
James Harte Media Effects on Public Perception of the U . S . Correctional System The purpose of this research study is to assess public perception of the U . S . prison system and the ability of this perception to deter crime . The accuracy of American citizens ’ image of our correction system is called into question since it is believed most exposure is through television programs and movies . The goal of this study is to uncover the correlation between age , occupation , and other demographic parameters to perception . A secondary goal is to measure the effect exposure to a video taken within our prison system might have as a crime deterrent .
Jillian Horn Persuasive Recruitment Tactics Used by Multi-Level Marketing Groups The purpose of this study is to discover and analyze the persuasive tactics and language that multi-level marketing companies use to gain a following and recruit individuals . Through my academic presentation , I will discuss how multi-level marketing companies recruit individuals , what is expected from these individuals , and how past and present employees feel about multi-level marketing companies .
Lauren Huff Effects of Parental Incarceration With the number of incarcerated individuals at a peak in this country , the number of children who have grown up with a parent in prison during their influential childhood years is also on the rise . This study collected data on individuals who grew up with a parent in prison and asked them to reflect on their childhood to see if the length of imprisonment or nature of the offense changed the outcome of their experience .