University of Lethbridge - Therapeutic Recreation Newsletter 1 | страница 5


Visual Loss Simulation

Devan McNeill applied for a Teaching Development Fund in 2017 for specialized equipment to be used by students to deepen their understandings of disabilities. The funds were used to purchase specialized vision loss simulation kits, containing goggles with interchangeable lenses. The kits include simulation of many common vision loss impairments such as macular degeneration, cataracts, scotoma, and hemianopsia. The kits were used to enhance the learning outcomes of the course TREC 3500, Therapeutic Recreation for Special Populations. The learning outcomes this simulation focused on were: knowledge of the impact of limitations in physical, cognitive, social and emotional functioning upon independence in life activities including work/school, self-maintenance and leisure, and knowledge of medical and disabling conditions, disorders and impairments affecting an individual’s physical, cognitive emotional and social functioning across the lifespan. It is important to state that this simulation will complement the learning outcomes for the course by adding deeper layers of learning and would not be appropriate as a standalone activity.

and impairments affecting an individual’s physical, cognitive emotional and social functioning across the lifespan. It is important to state that this simulation will complement the learning outcomes for the course by adding deeper layers of learning and would not be appropriate as a standalone activity. In the reflections, the students made comments on what they learned in this simulation and the process of wearing the goggles. Students talked about having patience in the role of the recreation therapist in this activity. Students also made comments about further insights they achieved by participating in this experience. Awareness of their own body and self and an awareness of modifications that could be used when working with persons with disabilities.