Manifesting Made Simple
Landing the Right Spot for Your Healing Practice:
Maria Celeste
ver experience the feeling of being on a long lost journey of the mystery of finding just the “Right” healing space? Ever feel like it might not be right for you? Well here is my story about holding space and keeping the faith in the journey of manifesting my center; The Center For Creative Healing™. OK~ So, the search took six years. Yes, six years of a long, dedicated search. A little bit of wrong, a lot of right; a little bit of right, a lot of wrong. In this search, I began to wonder did the “All Right and NO Wrong” office space really exist? Was I asking for too much? ~Force it ~ Sabotage it ~ Trust it ~ Love it ~ Hate it ~ Where was it? “Enough LORD,” I begged. “IF THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT US TO DO, YOU FIND US THE PERFECT SPOT, PLEASEEEE!,” I CRIED. So with this cry out to My Lord, I rested from our search. I LET GO ~ LET GOD. This was and still is the motto. Many months passed in this rest period. AND then, I received a phone call from a long time sister friend. She asked, ”Are you still looking for a place for your center and crystal shoppe? Well, I think we found you a perfect spot. Call Cindy. She has shared office space available. I think it is yours.” LET GO ~ LET GOD....For you will never know where, how and when THE LORD will lead you when you simply LET GO and LET GOD. I made the phone call. I made the appointment. We toured the space. BAM! It was perfect: built in book shelves, a waiting room, kitchen, shared space, private bathroom, easy access, easy to get to. ALL RIGHT ~~ NO WRONG. I found the “All Right and No Wrong” office space. If you can dream it, The Universe can create it (!). When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. When the practitioner is ready, the space will appear.
Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 24
The space for The Center For Creative Healing™ did so, creatively, magically and in Divine Right time(!). If you are ready to find that perfect space for your healing practice, take time to be specific about your space. Offer to the Universe a detailed list of your wants, desires, needs and dreams. Outline in this list all the parameters you envision in your healing space. Again be specific with the Universe. Ask and you shall receive. Let the Universe know as much detail in detail as possible. The more specific you are, the easier for the Universe to meet your personal orders. Offering a blueprint to the Universe takes out the guess work. Would you order eggs without specifying to the chef how to
prepare these eggs? Would you tell your builder “Build me a house” without blue prints from which to work? Why then tell the Universe you want something without sharing your specifics? Some specific details might include: How much you are willing to pay per month/per year/square foot; the distance you are willing to drive; the type of locale and environment you see around your s ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????((