Universal Living Sept 2013 Volume 1 Issue 1 | Page 23

SPIRIT Dearest Ones, It is the eyes that are the windows to the soul. It is in the heart that the soul lives in truth. Many are awake and many more awakening yet a great number remain asleep, or shall I say 'in a deep sleep,' like being in a 'coma,' for that idea of resistance, of change, fears, insecurities, or just plain old 'wanting to be right,' resides in the ego mind. Lacking acceptance of the Divine Mind is like shutting the blinds that keeps out the warm, brilliant, magnificent light from entering a cold, stale, darkened room. To see clearly with open eyes is allowing yourself to see all facets of reality with a different perspective and perception with new eyes. View of expansion is like a cube, you look at all sides, all angles...six sides in all directions. As you rotate it, the foundation is still one object...one cube. This is in truth, one way of understanding what expansion means. You can use one word that may have several meanings or choose how to use the word. It's how you speak it with multiple expressions. Look inside your heart and open all your sensory perceptions brought the heart. This may be difficult for many as what was once learned before may not be easy to accept what rings truth now. But with surrendering GOD/Source/All That Is, you will reawaken in a safe place centered with new eyes and a foundation of knowing in the heart where love and light shines like a star from the inside out in full contact of who you truly are. 'Awaken All, Awaken.' You are all sparks of the Divine, 'Awaken Divinities.' I AM Pallas Athena Channeled by Ernesto Cardona N ot only is he young and charismatic, Ernesto is by far, one of the most profound and compelling Psychic Channelers you will ever encounter. His readings are accurate, insightful, honest, and most importantly, they are life-changing. He takes his job very seriously and has made it his mission to be of service to all, to bring about the best in each and every one of us, to connect us closer to our higher selves and ultimately, to get us back on the path for our return to source...to ALL THAT IS. December 2012 marked the beginning of the Golden Age of mankind and the end of the third dimensional way of life. With the release of these limitations, also came an elevation which expanded and enhanced Ernesto's abilities to include telepathic energetic clearings, Language of Light Codes Activation and a stronger connection to the heavens and beyond. With ASHTAR Commander as his Main Guide and the assistance of his spirit, angelic, and NOW his Stellar and Universal Guides, you will be certain to benefit profoundly in body, emotion, mind and spirit. In addition to the above, he is available for Oracle Consultations (in person or by phone), Psychometry, energetic clearing, healings (hands-on or telepathic), workshops and seminars. After realizing his ability at a very early age, he hasn't looked back, and now, with 16 years of professional experience under his belt, he is truly a force to be reckoned with. To Contact Ernesto, call Goddess Elite at 440-777-7211 Sept/Oct 2013 Issue—Page 23