Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 27

ing disease. They are slowly, with every meditation, being repaired and returned to wholeness. The more one meditates with these Vogels, the faster the repairs are being made. Know that both your physical and etheric DNA strands are being repaired, activated and restored to Divine Source. Light workers will find they work with different energies as they meditate with DNA awareness of realignment and activation. They will also find their habits change and what you would consider to become better, you do become better...better energies all around. Food better, friends better, emotions better, better body, better! Better everything!!! The Center for Creative Healing Play with us and our energies...nothing is set in stone. (Ha ha, get it, nothing is set in stone.) We are here to learn with you as you learn. A side note we add...we love humor so please give yourselves permission to humor it up (*). Laughter heals the Soul on so many levels. We invite you to laugh daily. Smile lines are more beautiful than frown lines so laugh line it up!!! When you smile, we smile, I smile. Smile with me please for you are my joys. Feel me smile in your heart when you smile like the warmth of the sea on your toes and the Sun on your faces. It is me smiling with you. Primus State - Heart Resonance...meditate...wear 21 days and sleep with us next to your bed near your head. We will activate, attune and bring you into frequency with The Crystal Human Light Being you are. Come Again. Maria offers a wide variety of services including individual and group sessions, sessions for special occasions, classes and products. Contact Maria directly for all additional information / cost inquiries. Thank you, Namaste. Thank You for responding to our call, Love God.” theamazingvogelcrystal.com Series one in a multi- part series: Maria Celeste’s NEW MOON 28 DAY VOGEL CHANNELED MEDITATIONS Partial List of Services/Readings: Crystal and Mineral Sales Clairvoyant / Clairaudient Medium / Channeler / Advisor Crystal Resonance Therapy Crystal Ally Cards Reiki Level IV Master / Teacher Flame / Crystal Messages Tuning Forks / Shamanic Drumming Weddings / Rite of Passage/Life Ceremonies Space Cleansing and Blessing Creative Healing Dance™ Classes available upon request www.mariaceleste.mytouchstoneessentials.com www.bioceutica.com/celestialdancer Gems by Celestial Dancer ™ Center for Creative Healing™ www.center4creativehealing.com 951 East 86th Street, Suite 100-A Indianapolis, IN 46240 Always by Appointment – Often by Chance 317.690.1335 Nov/Dec 2013 Issue—Page 27