Universal Living NOV / DEC 2013 Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 26
cy vibrations resonates properly in the body’s finite dimension without the loss of Infinite Knowledge, Infinite
Connection, Infinite Capabilities. Proper DNA Activation
Process supports Soul frequency alignment and attunement to Infinite Source.
Simply wearing the Vogel over the thyroid / thalamus area of the body realigns the body’s meridians and chakras
and EM fields to automatically balance and resonate to
Divine Spin. Everything has a Divine Spin. (This is why you
love to spin as children. Spinning reconnects to the Divine
Spin.) As you spin, you shift the spin of the Universe. This
is why you bought 193 of the little ones.
pair through resonance. Free will prevails always dear
ones. You are all important to creating the Universal Shift,
one wearer at a time. As you realign and shift your frequency to Divine Frequency, others will realign and shift
with you, creating Heaven on Earth once again. You are
important. We thank you for responding to your call.”
“It takes 21 to 28 days of wearing
and sleeping with it near or next
to your head….”
WEDNESDAY 2.22.2012 - Day 2
People are to wear them to realign. People, Humans are
to wear them to realign, balance and heal their own personal merkabas. Personal merkabas interact with other
merkabas. As one merkaba shifts and realigns, the Law of
Resonance is at work so all with whom we associate
merkaba’s will shift into resonance. As you align and repair, your frequency changes so that when you touch and
interact with other merkabas, others can realign and re-
Vogel Stats:
Drivers of Energy2
Small point is Feminine
Large point is Masculine
Energy flows in both directions
Energy flow into small end, magnifies energy.
Energy flow into large end, concentrates, softens,
and calms the energy.
Meditation: use one in either hand, opposite points to
circulate universal light force in meditation. This is
important for light workers: New information coming
in, trust what you get even if it is new. Tape Vogel
over third eye for meditation creating a triangle ?`??VG2F???G2?7&VF??rG&?BV?W&w?f??s??fRf?&6P??GW&?D?&V?v??V?B?W&?&?6??Rf?vV?2&P??67V??R?6??RfV????R?&?F?6???V???R?@?fV??R???7BF?&VR??WFW2?b?VF?FF????????G2?fW"?V'@?6V?FW#??b??R?fRGv???B?V?Bf?vV?3?fV??P????BF?v????R???BW?fW"?V'B6V?FW"??b?W7@???R??6R?B?fW"??W"?V'Bv?F?fV??R???BF?v?????7FRFV"??W2?F?????Rf?"&W7??F??rF??W"6??f?vV?????????b?FV2#2?77V^( EvR#`???6???V?VB'?v?B??( ?vR?V?6???V??fRf?&6R?vR&R?fRf?&6R?v??f?VB??v?&?v?F?W2F??V?&WfV?F?RG'WF?2?bF?RfV???bD???BF?RfV??&?V?BF?R???v??vR?fR6??RF???P?F??2v?F???R&WfV?VBF?R6?&?VB?b6V7&V7??b?V???G?F?&V?v?F?Bv??6?v2V??v?VB???W"7G&?G0??bD??fR&VV?6?&?VFVB?B"6?BF?&??B?b'&??V??F??VW??R6W&FVBg&??F?RF?f??R?fR6?W&6R??vR&R6???r??r??&RF?F?RV'F???RF?&WGW&?F????R??W""7G&?G2???F?v?6???G&V?vW&RF?R7F'B?F?B?0?v??F?W?&R??&R6V?6?F?fR?BF?V?"6???"?2&?B&?VW"?????&R&???Bg&??"??&R7G&?G2?F?Rb'&??V??fP?&VV?f??F??r&?V?B????W"&?F?W2g&VV??BV6??6W2??