As well, I didn’t really sit down and say, “I want to write paranormal romance or urban fanasty.” I kind of
just write things down and worry about how to classify them later.
My favorite reads change. Right now I am really enjoying Jeaniene Frost, Jack Campbell, and Terry
Pratchett. They make me forget to edit while I read. :D
What would say are the most important skills for a writer in your profession? Which part of creating a
novel would you say is the hardest? The plot? The characters? Extending the novel outline? Or writing
The most important skill for a writer is to be a good reader.
The beginning is the hardest. Everything follows it. We often rewrite the beginnings after the first draft
is done. As far as individual elements of the novel, we don’t really look at them as separate. That’s
something that is usually a function of critique. All those things you mentioned blends together into a
story when we are writing and the story either works or it doesn’t.
Ms. Andrews, can you tell us readers what it was like during your first year as a bestselling author?
What is your advice to those pursuing to become paranormal romance authors? What is your
schedule like as a bestselling author? Can you tell us readers, which one of your characters from your
upcoming novel, Burn For Me, was your favorite one to write and why? Which one was your hardest
character to write and why?
We broke NYT extended with our second book, and at that time we still had our day jobs. That year was
a little bit difficult because we both worked, helped with homework, made dinner, etc, and then after
everything, we wrote a couple of hours a night.
My advice would be not let this business make you crazy. It pushes you very hard toward becoming
neurotic. Authors tend to be control freaks and once that contract is signed, you control very little. But
before there can be a contract, you have to learn to perfect you craft and not settle for good enough.
You have to learn to push yourself to give each story your personal best. Some might be better stories,
some worse, but I think if you commit completely and do your absolute best each time, eventually it will
pay off.
I liked writing Nevada and Rogan the best. They are hilarious together.
The hardest character? Probably Nevada and Rogan. We had to get them right.