Question with Author Ilona Andrews
Can you briefly tell us readers what you new upcoming novel is about without spoiling it or us? Can
you tell us readers about any future projects that you are currently working on? What inspired you to
become an author? And why? How did you come about choosing to write paranormal romance
novels? What book(s) excluding your own, would you say are your favorite to read and why?
The novel is about what happens when you let an elite group of people have incredible power. :) Let me
point you to our series website. We broke down magic system and Houses and all the cool bells and
Currently we are working on the next book in Kate Daniels series, which is titled Magic Shifts.
I wasn’t inspired to become an author. I simply wrote because I wanted to get the stories out of my
head. It’s a kind of compulsion that I don’t fully understand to this day.