United Life 01 | Page 29

Golf Golf so spoluhráčmi. Stačí, ak sa bude snažiť poraziť ihrisko, pretože to je jeho jediný súper. Po každom odohranom kole je ich najbližšou zastávkou 19. jamka, ktorá býva častokrát aj najväčším spestrením dňa. Golf sa pre mňa za tie tri roky, odkedy som s  trénerom, stal v určitom zmysle cestou. Je pre mňa najlepším priateľom, inokedy naopak najväčším nepriateľom. Každý úspech ma posúva vpred a  motivuje a  na druhej strane každé pokazené kolo sa stáva mojím učiteľom. Neviem, kde by som teraz bola a čomu by som sa v živote venovala, keby som nehrala golf, ale hovorí sa, že nič v živote sa nedeje náhodou. Preto nech sa na mojej ceste dostanem kamkoľvek, už teraz viem, že golf ma naučil disciplíne, fair-play a  každý jeden deň mi pomáha spoznávať samú seba o niečo lepšie. Všetkým priaznivcom golfu prajem peknú hru!  ■ The golf miracle from Skalica Card Katarína Chovancová 19 years old Golf Club Skalica Golf Resort Skalica foreshorten: - 18 holes -  esign from the studio of architect d Hans–Georg Erhardt -  ormed course, built in style of links n type courses - ree entry and play for all full members f -  ore than 250 metres long driving ranm ge also with the covered strike places Successes 1st place at the International Slovak Championship 2012 (national evaluation) 1st place at the Faldo Series Slovak Championship 2010, 2011, 2012 1st place at SKGA Tour III Kaskády 2nd place at SKGA Tour II Báč 2nd place at SKGA Tour IV Skalica 1st place at the Faldo Series Grand Final 2012 1st place at the University Slovak Championship   2nd place at the Slovak Championship of club teams   3rd place at the Junior Austrian Championship Golf Club Skalica 2012 Champion Participations World Championship in Turkey 2012 University World Championship in  Liberec 2012 Team European Championship of girls Sardinia 2011 I held the golf club in my hand  for the first time 6 years ago. It was during Easter in Tále. Golfers were standing on the driving, they were driving from for me strange peak things which they were sticking to the ground. On the hand, at my wondering only on one, they had a glove and golf bag behind them was full of clubs. I was passing by them with my coach who was explaining me how the club is actually held and what is the difference between putting green, driving and chipping green. At the moment when he mentioned pitching, I thought that he was joking. In spite of that I mastered my first golf lesson with credit.I did not hurt anybody, several nice strikes on the driving succeeded to me and after realizing that the peak thing is a tee I decided to take couple of them home and leave them as memory. During next 3 years I did a green card and golf became only the filling of my free time. Everything changed in the year 2010. By coincidence I was introduced to Karol Skopový Sr. and since then golf has not filled only my free time. It became a priority for me. Opening of course in Skalica also contributed to this, it provides the best training surfaces in Slovakia and at the same time I am on a course in 10 minutes. Course in Skalica became my second home. Anyone who has never experienced a golf course early in the morning loses much. The rays of the sun are inundating a course, morning dew is shining everywhere, birds are twittering. At that time golf becomes the nicest sport and more important is the astounding scenery and not well performing. I would recommend golf to everyone who likes sport. Golf harmonizes both body and mind, connects young generation with older, even the whole family and many times it even detects character of a human. Golf brings a man to the new corners of the world, thanks to it he knows new people and he does not have to compete with fellow players. It suffices if he will try to defeat the course, because it is his only competitor. After each played round the nearest stop is the 19. hole which is often the biggest diversifying of the day.   In that three years since I am with my couch, golf has in a definite sense become a way for me. Sometimes it is my best friend but on the other hand it is the biggest enemy too. Each success moves me forwards and motivates me and on the other hand each damaged round becomes my teacher. I do not know where I would be now and what I would devote to in my life when I would not play golf, but it is said that nothing in life is happening by chance. Thus when I get anywhere on my way I already know now that golf has taught me discipline and fair-play and each one day helps me to know myself a little bit better. I wish to all golf supporters a nice play!  ■ 29