United Kingdom 2011 - 4 | Page 4

B R I E F S Smaller scale technology trend draws SkogsElmia visitors to narrow bandsawing demonstrations Odd Edvoll, head of Wood-Mizer Nordic 2 Thin kerf bandsawing pioneer WoodMizer demonstrated mills offering sustainable and affordable conversion at SkogsElmia, the Scandinavian fair, attracting considerable interest. A Swedish public company bought one of the company's small-to-medium band sawmills at the event, the LT20B Remote. A twin-bladed edger has been added to increase the value of wood and enhance productivity. Wood-Mizer had noted more interest in 'greater Scandinavia' in small timber harvesting, conversion and secondary conversion sectors, in which its wood processing kit has thrived. It believes that its 'Orange' range of sawmills fits the changing structure of Scandinavian forestry, alongside enthusiasm for biofuel being partly replaced by smaller scale technology. At SkogsElmia, Wood-Mizer demonstrated a small LT15 sawmill with MP100 moulder/planer attachment; an LT70 semi-industrial sawmill; and the LT20B3 Remote, extended-bed mill plus the twin-blade edger. Following modifications, the twinblade edger's competitiveness, including adjustable power feed, two optional lasers and 'Setworks' as standard, was self-evident. Although WOOD-MIZER TODAY AUTUMN 2011 boards can be edged on a band sawmill, output can increase by up to 30% by using the edger in tandem. Power feed is smoothly adjustable from 0-25m/min. As standard, it has two circular blades, one fixed and one adjustable. The adjustable blade is positioned electrically and 'Setworks' and optional lasers enhance accuracy. Typical secondary processing products are building components such as roof beam supports. The remote control small-to-medium LT20B3 shown is 'chunky', and was shown at SkogsElmia with three twometre long bed segments for commercial cutting of logs up to 6.8m long. Designed during the 2009 credit crunch, it enables operators to upgrade to higher output without investing in larger, more costly kit. The addition of the remote control option means that the sawmill can produce large amounts of sawn lumber while minimising operator fatigue. The semi-industrial LT70 typified the theme of a relatively small mill performing modern log processing like larger, more expensive ones. It prefigures sawing dimensions, has an automatic clutch and a system to melt away sap. There is also a remotecontrolled version that can function with materials handling equipment. The small LT15 with MP100 moulder/planer is a Wood-Mizer Nordik innovation. The moulder/planer can be installed on the bed of an existing LT15 o r ( s m a l l e r ) LT 10 s aw m i l l . At SkogsElmia, it was demonstrated producing valuable moulded boards and profiled beams. With the Nordik economies healthier than many of those in southern Europe and not suffering as much from credit restrictions, Wood-Mizer is optimistic about local responses to its narrow band sawmills, which it feels anticipate the current Nordik appetite for smaller timber conversion equipment.