United Kingdom 2011 - 2 | Page 18

C O V E R Six 'Harleys' ready for a ride 16 S T O R Y ceased while they awaited them from a sawmill. Almost inevitably, this led to the decision to saw their own timbers to their own, rather special requirements when they wanted the timbers and in the medium term at reduced cost. The price of logs was fairly low, anyhow. After some research they homed in on Wood-Mizer's small-to-medium band sawmill, the LT20B. Hydraulic loading was unnecessary because several materials handling machines operated on the estate but the Schlenstedts and their friends did want the as-standard powered log feeding capabilities. Another attraction was the price of the mill: €10000. Now, when battens, boards, planks or beams are needed, they put a log on the sawmill and saw it to required shapes and dimensions and continue their work without unnecessary breaks. The mill was intended to solely serve their own needs but now, a year later, fifty per cent of its time is taken up with sawing timbers for customers. This presents a whole new aspect to the estate's activities as well as income. Wood-Mizer recently developed the LT20B by combining the attributes of two of its mills – one small, the other small-to-medium. It aimed to meet specific requests from some of its WOOD-MIZER TODAY SPRING 2011 customers who operate the small mills for something more rugged and having more functions without recourse to a larger, more costly version. The Schlenstedts' 'chunky' LT20B will move to an old, large, extended stable block with room for mill, forklift truck and logs. The mill's first outside contract was to saw 100 m³ of pine. In the long term the family aim to achieve complete independence, selfsufficiency and reliance on their own stables, gardens, solar power and income from contract sawing and firewood. Almost all men dream of a HarleyDavidson and the Schlenstedts have several in a shed as well as a nicelyrestored Norton – plus an old MZ/RT hanging from the ceiling in Bastian's bedroom! The Dark Forces bikers meet twice weekly in their club house, a restored old building on the place. Twice yearly, they throw a big party for 300-400 guests and the air vibrates, the estate rocks and mead flows. The next such 'thrash' is on 27 November. A man needs a task in life and appropriately, as a knight's proverb says: Siegen kommt nicht vom Liegen (victory doesn't come from reclining). All his family agrees with that and Sylko Schlenstedt is a happy man.