Ÿ Once we've investigated all these aspects, we'll present you with your own customized nancial plan.
Ÿ Building in an overview of the potential development of your income, expenditure and assets, together we'll nd reliable
answers for you. Your nancial plan can help answer questions like: what are the nancial consequences of moving from
one stage in my life cycle to the next?
The benets of nancial planning:
Ÿ Clarity about your current nancial situation and a framework for all your decisions
Ÿ A basis for the long-term optimization of your investments
Ÿ Individual solutions in response to your questions
Ÿ Assistance with implementing measures to achieve your nancial goals
Ÿ A tool for planning how to nance the liquidity you need
Retirement Planning and advice
Lifestyle review and income requirements, Lifetime cash ow analysis, Risk Review, Work based pension benet assessment,
Personal retirement analysis, Healthcare and older age provision.