Exclusive Solutions
Sustainable Investing
Helping clients and their families make wealth
succession a success.
Ÿ For Family Advisory and Global custody
Ÿ Art Competence
Ÿ Philanthropy and Values-Based Investing
From ensuring the longevity of your business,
empowering you to make a difference or preserving
Comprehensive planning for your assets and your future
your wealth for future generations, we understand that We analyze your actual life situation, taking into account all
peace of mind for the future is essential. With important aspects such as income and expenditure, assets
experience and invaluable connections, we work with and liabilities, taxes, real estate, retirement provision, and
specialists who draw on detailed insight into your wealth property and inheritance law. On the basis of our analysis we
to ensure that your future lives up to your expectations. will show you ways you can prepare yourself for the future by
We are well versed in the challenges that go hand-in- planning ahead and optimizing your assets. We will also
hand with wealth succession. Our experience has develop customized solutions that take into account all
shown that transferring wealth from one generation to aspects of your personal situation.
the next can be a smooth and fullling journey if it is well
thought through and prepared for. The specialists that A secure future as a destination
we work with have many years of experience and Ÿ
Our nancial planning gives you a holistic analysis that
takes every nancial aspect into account. We'll show you
understand the complexities that our discerning clients
face. Clients and their families nd it helpful, to get a the effects that changes would have, and make
range of issues addressed including: suggestions for optimization.
Ÿ When is the right time to pass wealth on? Financial advice
Ÿ Who gets involved in the decision-making? Ÿ Ÿ How much do you give and to whom? that you and your assets are well prepared for the future.
How do we best prepare the next generation for the Together, we'll examine your goals and wishes, and
opportunities and challenges wealth brings?
What are the implications of taxation on the transfer of
wealth and how this can be done in the most tax
efcient manner?
The process starts with a thorough analysis to make sure
review your current nancial situation, looking at your
income and expenditure, assets and liabilities, taxes, real
estate, marital property and inheritance law situation. If
you wish, we can also look into issues relating to marriage,
inheriting real estate, making a career move, starting a
business, and changing your residence. We're also here
for you if you have questions on retirement planning and